Privacy news

6 mins

Top 9 .onion websites from the depths of the dark web

Looking to explore the top dark web links? There’s so much to see, where do you start? ExpressVPN lists the must-see .onion sites for 2021.
Baby crib mobile with eyes.
6 mins

5 ways parents can stay smart about children’s privacy

Had a Covid baby? It’s never too early to stay vigilant and protect their privacy.
Wi-Fi symbol with a virus.
3 mins

Contact tracing at work: A growing reality

In the age of Covid-19, companies are experimenting with contact-tracing technology that employees have to adopt. It’s further erosion of privacy.
Fitness apps with eyes in the notification icon.
3 mins

How private are your fitness apps? 5 tips to keep them secure

Fitness apps may be popular, but their privacy settings are still stuck behind the starting line.
A graduation cap with an eye on it.
2 mins

Your school is tracking your online activity—here’s what to do about it

In a single tectonic shift, the Covid-19 pandemic pushed schooling and education online to adjust to lockdowns and social-distancing measures. Zoom classes have become...
A light bulb in a speech bubble, which somehow means internet privacy?
8 mins

14 top tips to protect your online privacy in 2021

Overwhelmed by online security issues? These tips are easy to follow. Start protecting your digital life now.
various operating system logos
9 mins

Ranked: Top operating systems for security and privacy

We take a look at some of the most popular operating systems, including Windows 10, iOS, macOS, and Android, and rank them based on privacy and security.
Video camera icon with confetti and numbers around it.
2 mins

5 things to do in isolation, whatever your holiday mood

Spend your socially distanced holidays the way you want, whether it’s with others or in your own company.
3 mins

Why is Facebook fighting Apple’s App Store ‘privacy labels’?

Apple has started requiring apps in its App Store to provide privacy labels, which tell users what types of data the app collects and sends to third parties.
Microchip manipulating marionette
8 mins

New AI tech bodes ill for identity theft, scams, and propaganda

Artificial intelligence like GPT-3 is advancing deepfakes by imitating real faces, voices, and words. This could spell trouble for the future of humanity.
1 min
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Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode

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