Privacy news

3 mins
Cover your camera: Is your phone watching?
Can your iPhone, Android, or laptop camera spy on your without your knowledge? Seems far-fetched, but is absolutely possible — here's what you need...
4 mins
Encrypted chat apps: Give ’em nothing to talk about
Update: we've done a follow-up post about even more encrypted chat apps for you to keep your conversations private! In the wake of NSA snooping...
2 mins
Snowden files: How NSA tapped 71% of the world’s phone networks with auroragold
An ambitious NSA operation dubbed Auroragold aims to tap every cellphone network in the world, according to The Intercept. The mobile tapping system, detailed in...
3 mins
DuckDuckGo Internet privacy review
If you need to find something of interest, your first port of call will be a search engine, of which there are a great many....
3 mins
Your data, your rules: The encryption of everything
Who owns your data? The common sense answer is obvious, but isn't always true: in certain situations, law enforcement officials can access, search and...
Eye in a cloud.
6 mins
Just looking? ISPs are watching you browse
You are being watched. From everything you ask Alexa to all your emails and passwords: If you don’t encrypt your traffic, your Internet Service...
4 mins
OS X Yosemite: Are security and privacy the first thought or an afterthought?
Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10) has arrived and, according to Apple, it comes with safety. Built right in. The company’s claim that security was “The...
use a vpn to stop verizon wireless from tracking you
3 mins
Verizon’s ‘perma-cookie’: Just another example of how ISPs invade, threaten our privacy
**Update: Verizon forced 'supercookies' on all of their customers until March 2015, when several senators raised privacy concerns over the practice. One year later,...
3 mins
Smart meters, dumb security? Hacking the Internet of Things
According to the UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change, almost 100,000 smart meters were installed in homes through the second quarter of 2014...
3 mins
New documentary shining light on Snowden: Citizenfour
In May of 2013, few people in the United States — let alone worldwide — knew anything about Edward Snowden. The mild-mannered IT security contractor...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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