Get ExpressVPN on Windows.
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Use these troubleshooting steps if you cannot start the ExpressVPN app or see the “Engine Unavailable”, “Service Unreachable” or “Unable to Start Service” messages.

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1. Download the latest version of ExpressVPN
2. Follow further troubleshooting steps

1. Download the latest version of ExpressVPN

To download the latest version of ExpressVPN,

  1. Quit the ExpressVPN app.
  2. Uninstall your app.
  3. Install and set up your ExpressVPN app:

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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2. Follow further troubleshooting steps

Please refer to the section appropriate to your device below:

  1. Click the Windows Start menu. Go to All Programs > Accessories.
  2. Right-click Command Prompt, then click Run as Administrator to launch the prompt with full administrative privileges.
  3. In the command prompt, type the following:
    net start ExpressVpnservice
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Launch ExpressVPN again.
  6. If the problem persists, restart your computer or reinstall ExpressVPN.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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  1. Press Start or Windows key + X to open a dialog box.
  2. Look for Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. In the command prompt, type the following:
    net start ExpressVpnservice
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Launch ExpressVPN again.
  6. If the problem persists, restart your computer or reinstall ExpressVPN.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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You may not be able to start ExpressVPN if you haven’t enabled Wireless LAN Service on your device. To enable Wireless Lan Service:

  1. Quit the ExpressVPN app.
  2. Open Server Manager.
  3. Select Features > Add Feature.
  4. Select Wireless LAN Service.
  5. Click Install > Close > Done.
  6. Launch the ExpressVPN app.
  7. If the problem persists, restart your computer or reinstall ExpressVPN.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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