Contact the ExpressVPN support team if you're stuck.
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ExpressVPN has released a new app interface. If your app interface does not match what is shown below, update your ExpressVPN app.

This guide will show you how to access the ExpressVPN app again after your license or subscription has expired. If your license or subscription has expired, you will see a screen that notifies you of the expiry on the ExpressVPN app:

Your subscription has expired.

To connect to the ExpressVPN app again, extend your current subscription:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Click Buy a New Subscription.
    Click "Buy a New Subscription."
  3. Select a plan.
  4. Complete the order procedure.
  5. Open and use the ExpressVPN app normally.

If you are still seeing the expiry screen or see the expiry screen but your subscription has not expired, contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Oliko tämä artikkeli hyödyllinen?

Ikävä kuulla. Kerrothan meille, missä voisimme parantaa.

What device do you need help with?

Examples: Android, Windows, Linksys router

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