Pour utiliser nos applis et configurations, veuillez d'abord créer un compte ExpressVPN.

ExpressVPN has released a new app and website interface. If the images you see below do not reflect the latest app or website interface, note that the instructions still apply unless otherwise specified.

This article will show you how to set up ExpressVPN on ASUSTOR, using the OpenVPN protocol.

Important: The OpenVPN manual configuration does not offer the same security and privacy benefits as the ExpressVPN app. If your router does not support AES-NI (e.g., Asus RT-AX88U and RT-AC86U), you may experience occasional speed issues while using the OpenVPN manual configuration.

You’ll need a fully set up ASUSTOR device and an ExpressVPN subscription. To begin:

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Find your ExpressVPN account credentials
Set up your VPN profile
Connect to the VPN server
Disconnect from the VPN server

Find your ExpressVPN account credentials

Begin by signing in to your ExpressVPN account.

sign in to your expressvpn account

Once you’ve clicked the link in the welcome email or logged into the website, click on Set Up on More Devices.

set up on more devices windows

On the left side of the screen, click Manual Config. On the right, select OpenVPN. You will see your OpenVPN configuration usernamepassword, and a list of OpenVPN configuration files.

You can copy your username and password by clicking on the top-right corner.

openvpn credentials

Scroll down to the list of files and download the OpenVPN configuration file(s) for the location(s) you want to connect to.

Leave this tab open, you’ll need your ExpressVPN username and password later.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Set up your VPN profile

Now, on the ASUSTOR dashboard, go to Settings.

click asustor settings

Under Network, click on the Network interface tab.

go to network interface

Click on Add and select Create VPN.

create vpn

Select OpenVPN and click Next.

openvpn next

Select Import Configuration Files from OpenVPN Provider and click Next.

import config files openvpn provider

Fill in the fields as below:

  • Name: a name for you to remember the connection
  • Account: use the ExpressVPN username you obtained above
  • Password: use the ExpressVPN password you obtained above
  • Import file(s): click Browse and upload the configuration file(s) you previously downloaded

Click Finish.

enter openvpn settings
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Connect to the VPN server

Back in the main “Network interface” menu, select the OpenVPN connection you created and click Action > Connect.

action connect openvpn
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Disconnect from the VPN server

To disconnect from the VPN, click Disconnect.

disconnect asustor openvpn connection

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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