ExpressVPN 앱 및 구성을 이용하시려면, 먼저 계정을 만들어주세요.

If you see the following error message in your connection log:

Tue Sep 1 22:17:22 2015 MANAGEMENT: Socket bind failed on local address Address already in use

It is likely that the port needed for the connection attempt to the server location is not responding or is being used by another process. To solve the issue:

Restart your machine. After that, launch ExpressVPN again and connect to a server location.

ExpressVPN home screen with ON Button highlighted.


If you are still encountering issues, connect to a different server location. If the problem persists, restart your machine before reconnecting to ExpressVPN.

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죄송합니다. 저희가 어떻게 개선할 수 있을지 알려주세요.

What device do you need help with?

Examples: Android, Windows, Linksys router

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