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Gratis apps krijgen

Help us improve the latest ExpressVPN apps for Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Linux, and router.

As a member of the ExpressVPN beta program, you can play a vital role in shaping our products by trying out the latest app features and giving feedback.

Learn about being an ExpressVPN beta tester on:



Latest Beta version: 10.3.0

  • Improved reconnection experience.
  • Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1k.

Join the beta:

  1. Join the ExpressVPN for Android beta on your device.
  2. Tap Become a tester.
  3. Go to the Google Play Store, then search for ExpressVPN. Tap Update.

Send feedback:
If you encounter any bugs or want to send feedback, tap the bug icon on the app’s home screen.

Stop using the beta:

  1. Go to the ExpressVPN for Android beta settings page.
  2. Tap Leave the program.
  3. Reinstall the ExpressVPN app.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Latest Beta version: 11.3.1

Introducing Lightway, ExpressVPN’s next-generation VPN protocol that delivers a faster, more secure, and more reliable VPN experience.

Join the beta:

  1. In the App Store, download and install TestFlight.
  2. Join the ExpressVPN for iOS beta.
  3. Tap ACCEPT.
  4. Tap INSTALL.

Send feedback:

  1. In the ExpressVPN app, tap the Options menu (=) > Send Beta Feedback.
  2. Tap Report a bug or Suggest an improvement.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Enter your email. (We will be glad if you could elaborate your feedback.)
  5. Tap the send icon.

Stop using the beta:

  1. Open TestFlight.
  2. Tap ExpressVPN.
  3. Tap Stop Testing, then tap Stop Testing again.
  4. Go to the App Store, then install and update the ExpressVPN app.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Latest Beta version: 10.2.4 

  • Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1k.
  • Bug fixes.

Join the beta:

  1. Download the installer on the main server or mirror server.
  2. Install the app.
  3. Sign in with your activation code.

Send feedback:
If you encounter any bugs or want to send feedback, tap the bug icon on the app’s home screen.

Stop using the beta:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Click Download to install the ExpressVPN app.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Latest Beta version: 10.2.4 (BETA-1)

  • Bug fixes.

Join the beta:

  1. Download the installer on the main server or mirror server.
  2. Install the app.
  3. Sign in with your activation code.

Send feedback:
If you encounter any bugs or want to send feedback, click on the bug icon on the app’s home screen.

Stop using the beta:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Click Download to install the ExpressVPN app.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Latest Beta version: 3.7.0 (BETA-1)

  • Security fix related to an upstream bug (CVE-2021-3336) in wolfSSL that affected only Lightway – TCP, a protocol currently in preview. We blocked Lightway – TCP on our servers for all affected versions on March 18, and this update fixes the bug and restores connectivity for Lightway – TCP. We found the bug through our routine internal security audits, and we have no evidence that it was ever exploited.
  • Bug fixes.

Join the beta:

  1. Download the installer.
  2. Install the app. NOTE: If prompted to update /etc/default/expressvpn: accept the package maintainer’s version to fully install the beta version of ExpressVPN.
  3. Sign in with your activation code.
  4. (if not done already) Set protocol to Lightway: `expressvpn protocol lightway_tcp`.
  5. (optional) Enable the collection of diagnostic information to report bugs and give feedback on this beta version: run `sudo /usr/lib/expressvpn/expressvpn-enable-beta-diagnostics`.

Send feedback:

  1. If you enabled the collection of diagnostic information: run `sudo /usr/lib/expressvpn/expressvpn-diagnostics-collector`.
  2. Send an email to the address below, with a description of the issue, and attach the zip file if available.

Send feedback on ExpressVPN beta for Linux.

Stop using the beta:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Click Download to install the ExpressVPN app.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Join the beta:

The beta program is currently by email invitation only. Please click here to submit your email. You will be notified when the next beta release is ready and of subsequent beta updates.

Send feedback:

Report a bug or suggest an improvement by email to

Send feedback on ExpressVPN beta for router.

Stop using the beta:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Click Download to install the ExpressVPN app.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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