Чтобы использовать наши приложения и настройки, создайте учетную запись ExpressVPN.

If you see the following error message in your connection log:

2011-03-03 21:51:29 Cannot obtain exclusive lock on --replay-persist file cur-replay-protection.cache: Resource temporarily unavailable (errno=35)

You will need to delete your cur-replay-protection.cache file. To do so:

  1. Open Finder
  2. Use Command + Shift + H to open your User folder
  3. In your user folder, open Library > Application Support > ExpressVPN > Configurations or Library openvpn
  4. Delete the cur-replay-protection.cache file
  5. Restart ExpressVPN and connect to a server location

Need help? Please contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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