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ExpressVPN has released a new app and website interface. If the images you see below do not reflect the latest app or website interface, note that the instructions still apply unless otherwise specified.

The ExpressVPN Android app from Version 7.6 onward includes a feature that automatically connects the VPN when your Android device joins an untrusted network. All networks are considered “untrusted” unless you have marked them as trusted.

This feature is off by default. When switched on, the ExpressVPN app will:

  • automatically connect to the VPN when you join an untrusted network
  • remain connected when you switch to another untrusted network
  • remain connected when you join a network you have marked as trusted (by default)

You will see this blue “hint” indicating the VPN is connected because you are on an untrusted network.

The ExpressVPN Android app connecting on an untrusted network.

To enable automatic VPN connections when joining an untrusted network, go to the Hamburger menu (≡) > Settings > Auto-connect, then toggle When joining networks not listed as trusted to the on position.

To disable the feature, toggle it off.

The auto-connect settings menu in the ExpressVPN Android app.

You also have the option to disconnect from the VPN when your device joins a trusted network. This feature is off by default.

To toggle the feature on, toggle Disconnect when joining a trusted network to the on position.

For Android 10 and up

If you’re using a device that runs Android 10 and up, you will need to grant location permissions to the ExpressVPN app in order to use the auto-connect feature.

Why does ExpressVPN require location permissions? The latest versions of Android require location permissions to allow detection of untrusted networks. You do not need to grant location permissions unless you are using Android 10 and up and want to use the auto-connect feature.

After toggling When joining networks not listed as trusted to the on position, you will be asked to allow ExpressVPN to access your device’s location. Only the network name and its security status is used. No history of your device location is kept.

Tap on Allow all the time. If you select any other option, you will see an error message.

Tap on "Allow all the time".

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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